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situs judi terpercaya indonesia Logical thinking is a thought process that uses reason based on reality not feel. A person with the kind of logical thinker usually has the ability to abstract thinking carefully and objectively so that it can prevent you from errors and mistakes in observation and in response to an event.
If you are one of those with logical thinking? Of course, these features are inherent in you.
1. Not easily caught up in negative thoughts

logical thinkers tend to analyze situations to prove the truth without guessing that they have. It not is easy to get caught up in negative thoughts about anything that has not been proven.
always applying analytical and logical thinking will easily get a solution for every problem that occurs. For example, you easily distinguish between truth and falsehood, to distinguish between illusions and reality, so you will know how to handle situations.
6. Avoid superstition or downward trust.

The type of logical thinker prefer to believe before the first argument directly only a myth only because that belief has existed for a long time and has been passed from generation to generation. In response to this, we chose to observe and respect the beliefs of others, but still clung to their logical thinking. Well, those are the six characteristics inherent in a person with logical thinking. By applying logical thinking in everyday life, this will encourage you to get a more direct and realistic thinking. Then, you apply this thinking to live their daily lives.